3 + 8
to print

Name: ______________________________________  Subject: _______________________ Date: _______

Write on the right side what is missing.

In the combined operations, you must do the first operation with the first two numbers. Then, you must do the second operation with the result and the third number.

Simple operations

3 + 8 =


5 + 7 =


7 + 11 =


9 + 10 =


11 + 11 =


7 - 2 =


7 - 4 =


13 - 6 =


13 - 8 =


19 - 10 =


Combined operations

5 + 1 - 3 =


2 + 3 + 6 =


5 - 2 - 2 =


6 + 3 - 3 =


4 - 3 + 1 =


7 + 10 - 11 =


11 - 9 + 11 =


8 + 8 - 11 =


6 + 7 + 11 =


9 + 6 - 9 =



1. Miguela has a collection of 5 dolls. She gave three dolls.

How many dolls does Miguela have now?

a) 8 dolls.

b) 2 dolls.

c) 6 dolls.  


2. There were 3 books in the library of my house. For my birthday I received 4 books.

How many books do I have now?

a) 1 book.

b) 12 books.

c) 7 books.


3. There were 10 liters of water in a jar and 6 liters have been extracted.

How many liters are left?

a) 16 liters.

b) 4 liters.

c) 12 liters.


4. I have 8 candies in my closet. I give 5 to my friends.

How many candies do I have now?

a) 13 candies.

b) 6 candies.

c) 3 candies.  

5. Pedro has 6 marbles, Juan has 6 and James has 5.

How many marbles are there altogether?

a) 12 marbles.

b) 17 marbles.

c) 11 marbles.



6. There were 4 cookies in one box. First, I ate 2 of them and then 1.

How many cookies are left?

a) 1 cookie.

b) 7 cookies.

c) 6 cookies.



7. Paloma had 6 books on her bookcase. She received 4 in her birthday and she lent 5 to her friends.

How many books does she have now?

a) 10 books.

b) 15 books.

c) 5 books.



8. 10 passengers travel in a DC-10 plane. At the airport 8 people go aboard and then 11 go down.

How many people are there on the plane?

a) 18 passengers.

b) 7 passengers.

c) 29 passengers. 

9. Miguela has 10 euros. Her mother gives her 8 and she spent 6 euros on school supplies.

How much money does she have left?

a) 12 Euros.

b) 11 Euros.

c) 24 Euros.  

10. A school bus transports 10 children. At the first stop 8 children get down and 9 new children get in.

How many children are there in the bus now?

a) 27 children.

b) 10 children.

c) 11 children. 

| Educational applications | Calculation |
In Spanish | Interactive

®Arturo Ramo García.-Record of intellectual property of Teruel (Spain) No 141, of 29-IX-1999
Plaza Playa de Aro, 3, 1º DO 44002-TERUEL