3 + 8

Tables of addition

- - - - - - - - - -

Tables of subtraction

- - - - - - - - - -

Simple operations

Combined operations


Aritmetic tables

Instructions: Press one of the buttons on the right column The correct number is put in red .

In the combined operations, you must do the first operation with the first two numbers. Then, you must do the second operation with the result and the third number.

Simple operations

3 + 8 =

5 + 7 =

7 + 11 =

9 + 10 =

11 + 11 =

7 - 2 =

7 - 4 =

13 - 6 =

13 - 8 =

19 - 10 =

Combined operations

5 + 1 - 3 =

2 + 3 + 6 =

5 - 2 - 2 =

6 + 3 - 3 =

4 - 3 + 1 =

7 + 10 - 11 =

11 - 9 + 11 =

8 + 8 - 11 =

6 + 7 + 11 =

9 + 6 - 9 =


1. Miguela has a collection of 5 dolls. She gave three dolls.

How many dolls does Miguela have now?

a) 8 dolls.

b) 2 dolls.

c) 6 dolls.



2. There were 3 books in the library of my house. For my birthday I received 4 books.

How many books do I have now?

a) 1 book.

b) 12 books.

c) 7 books.


3. There were 10 liters of water in a jar and 6 liters have been extracted.

How many liters are left?

a) 16 liters.

b) 4 liters.

c) 12 liters.


4. I have 8 candies in my closet. I give 5 to my friends.

How many candies do I have now?

a) 13 candies.

b) 6 candies.

c) 3 candies.


5. Pedro has 6 marbles, Juan has 6 and James has 5.

How many marbles are there altogether?

a) 12 marbles.

b) 17 marbles.

c) 11 marbles.


6. There were 4 cookies in one box. First, I ate 2 of them and then 1.

How many cookies are left?

a) 1 cookie.

b) 7 cookies.

c) 6 cookies.


7. Paloma had 6 books on her bookcase. She received 4 in her birthday and she lent 5 to her friends.

How many books does she have now?

a) 10 books.

b) 15 books.

c) 5 books.


8. 10 passengers travel in a DC-10 plane. At the airport 8 people go aboard and then 11 go down.

How many people are there on the plane?

a) 18 passengers.

b) 7 passengers.

c) 29 passengers.

9. Miguela has 10 euros. Her mother gives her 8 and she spent 6 euros on school supplies.

How much money does she have left?

a) 12 Euros.

b) 11 Euros.

c) 24 Euros.


10. A school bus transports 10 children. At the first stop 8 children get down and 9 new children get in.

How many children are there in the bus now?

a) 27 children.

b) 10 children.

c) 11 children.


| Educational applications | Calculation |
In Spanish | To print

®Arturo Ramo García.-Record of intellectual property of Teruel (Spain) No 141, of 29-IX-1999
Plaza Playa de Aro, 3, 1º DO 44002-TERUEL