16 : 2
to print

Name: ______________________________________  Subject: _______________________ Date: _______

Write on the right side what is missing.

In the combined operations, you must do the first operation with the first two numbers. Then, you must do the second operation with the result and the third number.

Simple operations

16 : 2 =


3 x 2 =


5 x 10 =


7 x 5 =


9 x 4 =


11 x 5 =


36 : 4 =


24 : 6 =


32 : 8 =


40 : 4 =


Combined operations

2 x 6 - 3 =


3 x 3 + 3 =


6 x 9 -7 =


8 x 7 - 6 =


5 : 1 - 2 =


6 : 1 - 4 =


35 : 5 + 7 =


56 : 7 - 6 =


56 : 8 + 6 =


64 : 8 + 11 =



1. We are a group of 10 players and we want to form 5 teams.

How many players will there be on each team?

a) 15 players.

b) 5 players.

c) 2 players.

2. A postage cost 20 cents.

How much money will 5 postages cost?

a) 25 cents.

b) 100 cents.

c) 15 cents.

3. Mary has 11 candies and her sister Luisa has 9 times more.

How many candies does Luisa have?

a) 20 candies.

b) 2 candies.

c) 99 candies.

4. On a birthday, 64 cookies were shared out among 8 friends. If they ate the same amount of cookies,

How many cookies will each one receive?

a) 72 cookies.

b) 8 cookies.

c) 56 cookies.

5. We bought a comic at 50 cents for each one of the 6 brothers. If we also bought a seed bag at 20 cents,

How much money will we pay altogether?

a) 76 cents.

b) 280 cents.

c) 320 cents.

6. Isabel found 25 trading cards and she divided them between 5 friends. Miguela gave 3 cards to her sister.

How many cards does Miguela have?

a) 2 cards.

b) 33 cards.

c) 8 cards.

7. A girl bought 6 kilos of potatoes at 20 cents per kilo and 1 can of sardine at 30 cents.

How much money did she spend altogether?

a) 56 cents.

b) 150 cents.

c) 90 cents.

8. We share out 80 marbles among 8 friends. If I lost 9 marbles when I was playing,

How many marbles do I have now?

a) 97 marbles.

b) 17 marbles.

9. A group of 8 guys buy football tickets at 11 euros each one. If they only had 6 euros,

How much money do they need?

a) 82 Euros.

b) 25 Euros.

c) 19 Euros.

10.- 54 euros are divided between 6 friends and one of them spent 9 euros.

How much money does he have now?

a) 18 Euros.

b) 0 Euro.

c) 69 Euros.

| Educational applications | Calculation |
In Spanish | Interactive

®Arturo Ramo García.-Record of intellectual property of Teruel (Spain) No 141, of 29-IX-1999
Plaza Playa de Aro, 3, 1º DO 44002-TERUEL